My summer Maui vacation couldn’t have come at a worst time.
It was supposed to be a work trip with just my husband at Anthurium House. Our California house had just gone on the market (totally unplanned), and we had 30 days to sell it. Have you ever had to keep your house perfectly clean while trying to sell it (with 2 young kids!)? Now imagine asking family to do that for you AND watch your kids while you go to Maui … I’m surprised they are still talking to me!
On top of the chaos of trying to buy a new house, I run 3 small businesses, was planning my high school reunion and trying to rehab a broken wrist — while attempting to be a sane mother and wife. I was/am a hot mess.
The Maui vacation couldn’t have come at a BETTER time. I needed to escape reality for a bit. I needed a mental spa day!
Maui Mental Spa Day
While researching for my trip, I stumbled across Justin Miller’s Beach Therapy Facebook page. Based in Oahu, he shares videos and images of Hawaiian beaches and promotes the idea of taking home the health benefits of a beach vacation. I knew immediately I needed this in my life!
I reached out to Justin to learn more about Beach Therapy and the concept of your Rainbow Self. After speaking with him, I quickly realized I needed to start my Maui vacation off with a virtual Orange (Calm) Beach Therapy session. (Spoiler Alert — It was AMAZING!)
Beach Therapy
Justin and I traded a few emails prior to the virtual session, so I felt prepared. I sat on our ocean view lanai with my laptop and the items he asked me to have. Matt and I had a busy work week, so I scheduled my session not long after sunrise on our first morning in Maui. The timing was perfect because I tend to wake up early due to the time change anyways. The birds singing their morning calls were so loud that Justin could hear them through the computer, and they actually became a major inspiration for our session.

Anytime I do a Skype or video conference, I am usually nervous. But, I immediately liked Justin and felt comfortable telling him all about why I needed Calm in my life (it took some time, ha ha!). He listened attentively and asked prompting questions throughout the session. I especially appreciated when he asked how I preferred the session to be run. He clearly was prepared with a plan, but I could see his mind adjusting that plan for MY benefit. That was awesome!
I like knowing why I am doing things (Type A controller here) so was pleasantly surprised when learning how much of the session was science based. It made sense and backed up what my doctors had been telling me — but was coming from another angle. Beach Therapy came with the goal of receiving the gift of calm.
SECRET: I don’t want to spoil the surprise on how we got there, but after the session I definitely felt relaxed — like I had just received a massage. I had a page full of notes on how to continue the Beach Therapy at home and was excited to continue it during my vacation.
Since the session, Justin has proactively followed up asking how he can continue to support my quest for calm. One mental spa day session can change your life! I’ve been continuing my practice at home, especially when I need a “mommy time out.” I can’t wait to try other colors and continue to grow. Mahalo for everything, Justin.
If you think you need Beach Therapy in your life, you don’t have to wait until vacation … but it started mine off perfectly!
Learn more and book your own Beach Therapy session at or on Facebook at

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