Visually see cheaper days to fly with the Hopper app

Visually see cheaper days to fly with the Hopper app

If you know you want to go to Maui (or anywhere), but are flexible on dates, there are two steps you should do before booking anything — 1) review ticket prices and 2) lodging availability/pricing during your potential travel timeframe. You might find a cheap last minute condo deal, but flights could be more expensive on the check in and/or check out date. Or the airline might be having a great sale on flights but the place you want to stay at is booked or outrageously priced.

SECRET: I use the Hopper app to visually see the cheapest days to travel during the week, month and year.

Once you select a particular timeframe, Hopper will tell you if prices are expected to rise or drop. You can also set up “watches” on the search and it will alert you when prices change.

When you think you have found a few good flight itineraries, don’t book them just yet. Use those dates to find your lodging and be sure the pricing and availability line up. In the end, keep the total travel cost in mind…not just the allure of a big sale.